Posts Categorized: Sanity Savers

Sanity Savers: make your own sock puppet

Role playing with puppets is an easy way to address issues like telling the truth, as it invites the child to think critically about the situation and how they would resolve it from a neutral perspective.

Sanity Saver: Carrot Math

This morning when Farmer Dan went out to walk the fields, he noticed a ton of carrots popped up through the ground. He was very surprised! But Farmer Dan needs our help counting the leaves on each carrot. Can we help him!?

Sanity Savers: Gross Motor Dice

This fun game is inspired by the fourth floor of the museum – our Farm to Fork Play Zone and our Person Centered Services Community Treehouse! This game will get you up and moving like the animals represented in these play zones!

Sanity Savers: How Would You Feel? Build your Own emoji!

This special “Sanity Saver” blog entry is based on the Living Lab project originally planned to be implemented with our visitors in Spring of 2020. In today’s activity we will have fun while we explore our emotions!

Field trips are back! Please be aware that it will be busier than usual.