Posts Categorized: Sanity Savers

Sanity Savers: Movement Activity

Christine Darden is an American mathematician, data analyst, and aeronautical engineer who devoted much of her 40-year career in aerodynamics at NASA to researching supersonic flight and sonic booms. Today we’ll make paper jet’s in her honor!

Sanity Savers, STEM Edition: Christine Darden’s Paper Jets

Christine Darden is an American mathematician, data analyst, and aeronautical engineer who devoted much of her 40-year career in aerodynamics at NASA to researching supersonic flight and sonic booms. Today we’ll make paper jet’s in her honor!

Sanity Saver: George Washington Carver’s Inventions

George Washington Carver was an inventor, environmentalist, and a professor. Carver was a professor of Agriculture at the Tuskegee Institute which is now known as Tuskegee University. While teaching Carver created over 300 different uses for the peanut. For today’s experiment we will be using Carver as an inspiration as we try to create our own inventions from the supplies in our kits. When scientists invent new things they go through a list of steps called the invention process. Follow the steps below to create your own invention.

Sanity Saver: Mancala Craft

In this lesson we will learning and creating the game of Mancala. Mancala was created in Africa around 1300 years ago!

Field trips are back! Please be aware that it will be busier than usual.