Posts Categorized: Sanity Savers

Sanity Savers: Cloud in a Jar

This lesson gives your child the opportunity to create their very own cloud! This activity is fun for both adults and children and can provide an awesome activity that children will marvel at. While doing this activity caregivers can teach their children about clouds and how condensation and rain happens.

Sanity Savers: Cereal Box Ramps

Are you looking for a fun activity on a rainy day perhaps? This easy craft made with materials from your home, can help children discover physics principals as they test the different speeds of objects. They will be having so much fun they won’t even realize that they are learning the basics of speed and velocity!

Sanity Savers: Ski Challenge

Relive the joys of skiing, even when we can’t go outside and play in the snow with the fun, at home activity!

Sanity Savers: Apple Cars

Welcome to Apple City, this is a city that is made completely out of apples. Even cars are made out of apples. Today we will be acting as mechanics to learn how to make our own apple car to zoom around the city.

Sanity Savers: Plastic Egg Maracas

Looking for something fun and creative to do with all of those left over plastic Easter eggs? Here is a fun lesson to get your kiddos imagination soaring by creating their own musical instruments. This simple activity combines fine motor and sensorimotor skills through a blend of art and music.

Upcoming Hours - OPEN: 8/31, 9/4-9/7, 9/18-9/22 | CLOSED: 9/1-9/3, 9/8-9/17