Posts Categorized: Education Newsletters

A Letter from Lisa: May Edition

Play encourages your child to push the limits of the world they know. Unstructured play, like interacting with exhibits and environments at Explore & More – The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr Children’s Museum, where there is no prescribed way to play, is particularly important in helping children foster essential skills for making their way through life: emotional coping, problem-solving, and planning.

Will’s Culture Desk: April Edition

Although Spring may officially start in March, Spring in Buffalo does not really get rolling until April. This change in season is a perfect time to take a closer look at our environment and the role we play in it. In April, holidays such as Earth Day, and Arbor Day, are observed (on a yearly basis), in order to inform, educate, and encourage positive change to our environment, both locally and globally.

Did You Know? Earth Day

Did you know that Earth Day began in 1970, as Senator Gaylord Nelson hoped to raise public awareness of air and water pollution? 

Field trips are back! Please be aware that it will be busier than usual.