Posts Tagged: Sanity Savers

Sanity Savers: Cardboard Weaving Looms

Here’s a little secret: you can make a basic loom using nothing but cardboard, scissors, and yarn. Follow the steps below for an easy weaving project you can do right at home with your kids. Help them fashion their own coaster, wall hanging, or bracelet while honing their fine motor and math skills!

Sanity Savers: Skewer “Sandwich”

April 23rd is National Picnic Day! Hopefully it is a nice day in your neighborhood and you are able to have an outdoor picnic with your family today! This tasty sandwich alternative is fun to prepare together and makes a great lunch for your outdoor or indoor picnic!

Sanity Savers: Seed Bombs

People participate in Earth Day by cleaning up garbage around their neighborhood, parks, shopping centers etc., planting trees, setting up recycling centers and so much more! This year we are celebrating Earth Day 2020 by doing a fun lesson about planting seeds!

Sanity Savers: Write Your Own Story

Today is National Library Workers day!! Libraries are a great community resource. The books they keep safe help us learn, foster our imaginations and have the ability to transport us to whole new worlds! Today’s sanity saver is all about writing your own story. Maybe one day you will have a story that everyone can find and read at the local library!

Upcoming Hours - OPEN: 7/15, 7/17-22 | CLOSED: 7/16, 7/23