Posts Tagged: Sanity Savers

Sanity Savers: Ski Challenge

Relive the joys of skiing, even when we can’t go outside and play in the snow with the fun, at home activity!

Sanity Savers: Apple Cars

Welcome to Apple City, this is a city that is made completely out of apples. Even cars are made out of apples. Today we will be acting as mechanics to learn how to make our own apple car to zoom around the city.

Sanity Savers: Plastic Egg Maracas

Looking for something fun and creative to do with all of those left over plastic Easter eggs? Here is a fun lesson to get your kiddos imagination soaring by creating their own musical instruments. This simple activity combines fine motor and sensorimotor skills through a blend of art and music.

Sanity Savers: Cave Paintings

Cave Paintings are a prehistoric art. Today we’re going to create our own cave paintings, right at home!

Sanity Savers: Puff Paint

Here is a simple recipe for making your own puff paint at home – using things you already have around the house! This recipe can be used to make every color of the rainbow and will add a three dimensional element to any painting project!

Upcoming Hours - OPEN: 7/15, 7/17-22 | CLOSED: 7/16, 7/23