Posts Categorized: Education Newsletters

A Letter from Lisa: September 2023 Edition

As parents and caregivers, we long to have a deep connection with our children, but it’s difficult when most of their answers to questions about their day are simply, “Fine.” I’ve learned that we can’t let their short responses keep us from creating a meaningful bond with them—deep down, our kids want to connect with us, too.

Will’s Culture Corner: September 2023 Edition

Across Western New York, September means back to school, getting ready to head back into a classroom. This time is often filled with excitement and enthusiasm, but these emotions also frequently come with anxiety and uncertainty.  Understanding and addressing these emotions can go a long way in helping ease the transition into the school year, and ultimately lead to a better experience at school.

Explore Even More: Fall Leaf Crafts

September is here and you may notice the signs of fall! Now is a wonderful time for a walk in a park, Canalside, or your own neighborhood. While you’re on your walk, collect some leaves and twigs! There are some cute crafts you can make using recycled and found materials. 

Did You Know? Grandparents Day

Did you know that Grandparents Day is celebrated on September 10th, 2023? Grandparents are wonderful caregivers that we often get to see at Explore & More, when they bring in their grandkids to experience the power of play!

Field trips are back! Please be aware that it will be busier than usual.