Posts Categorized: Education Newsletters

Did You Know? Diwali

Did you know that September 6th is National Read A Book Day? Have you ever wondered the impact reading to a child has at an early age? From the time your child is born, reading out loud to them has a positive influence in beginning their language development.

Meet the Team: Craig Donatelli

Craig Donatelli started his role at Explore & More one year ago as a Play to Learn Facilitator. He always arrives with a smile on his face and a coffee in hand.

STEM Saturday: Relay Technicians

This Super STEM Saturday video is powered by National Grid! Join us as we explore what life is like for a relay technician, followed by a super cool activity where Mr. Dan reads us Oscar and the Bird by Geoff Waring!

Upcoming Hours - OPEN: 8/31, 9/4-9/7, 9/18-9/22 | CLOSED: 9/1-9/3, 9/8-9/17