Sanity Savers: Truffula Trees Puffy Paint

sponsored by: m&t bank

By: Amelia Schrader
Senior Manager of Learning and Education


Puff Paint (Recipe) – various colors
Colored swirl straws (or markers)
Construction Paper
The Lorax (video)
Paint brush, craft stick or other painting tool


Activity Time: 5-10 minutes  

Academic Subject:

English Language Arts (ELA)Arts  

Happy Earth Day! This is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. Earth Day is celebrated by over 190 countries and with over 1 BILLION people. People celebrate Earth Day by planting trees, cleaning up their neighborhood or starting recycling projects! Today, we are encouraging our friends to read the story The Lorax and do this fun activity connected to the story!  


Step 1: Start by reading the book The Lorax together!

Step 2: Dye your puff paint to your desired colors. I choose pink, orange and purple to mirror the colors of the trees in the story The Lorax. Use a separate bowl for each color.  

Step 3: Glue down the straws on your construction paper. Space them out so you have a lot of room to make fluffy Truffula Trees! If you need to cut the straws so they fit on your construction paper. If you do not have colored swirl straws, you can use a marker to draw your Truffula Tree trunks!  

Step 4: Add puff paint blobs to the top of each of the trunks (straws) of the Truffula Trees! Just like the story all of my tree tops are different sizes!  

Step 5: I also made green puff paint for the grass in my puff painting. The last step was to add grass to the roots (bottom of the straw) of the Truffula Trees!

 *Optional: once the puff paint dries you can add a little drawing of the Lorax to your picture!*  The Lorax is a wonderful story about protecting your environment! What can you do to help our planet? Share your ideas on our Facebook page!

Vocabulary Words

Earth Day: This annual celebration began on April 22, 1970. While the holiday has exploded in popularity, it has always focused on helping our environment. It became a global holiday in 1990.  

Check out our other Sanity Savers posts here!

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