Sanity Savers: Father’s Day Goody Bag

By: Val Drapeau
Education Coordinator 

Sanity Savers: Father's Day Goody Bag


1 brown paper bag
1 piece of special patterned paper (or you can design and decorate your own!)
Goodies for Dad 

Sanity Savers: Father's Day Goody Bag


Set up: 5 minutes to gather materials and goodies 
Activity: 15 minutes to complete the goody bag 

Academic Subject(s):        

Art and Math

Father’s Day is fast approaching…does your child have a fun gift for their awesome Dad yet?  This homemade goodie bag craft is a special present for them to give, especially since they were not able to make anything at school this year.  Gather up some of Dad’s favorite treats, fill up the bag and get ready to create this easy project that any kid would be proud of! 


Step 1: Fill the brown bag with a lot of your Dad’s favorite treats.  Be sure not to fill the bag any higher than ¾ of the way. 
Step 2: Fold the bag over (about 1 inch), and fold one more time.  Secure in place with one piece of tape in the middle of the bag. 
Step 3: Underneath the fold, using child safe scissors, have your child cut about a 1/3 of the way toward the middle on each side; leaving the middle intact. 
Step 4: Fold the cut flaps in toward the middle at a 45-degree angle to look like a shirt collar.  Secure each fold with a few pieces of tape. 
Step 5: Using a ruler and pencil, draw a tie shape onto the fun paper (or have your child decorate a tie shape on a white piece of paper).  Drawing the tie shape may be tricky, so assisting your child may be helpful.  Cut out the tie shape when finished.  See the shape below:
 Step 6:  Place a piece of rolled tape behind the top of the tie and secure the paper tie right under the “collar” flaps, (you may have to tuck the corners of the tie top under the brown paper flaps).  Your special gift is now ready to give!   

Vocabulary Words: 

Collar – a band of material around the neck of a shirt, dress, coat, or jacket, either upright or turned over and generally an integral part of the garment 
Explaining a 45-degree angle: When two rays intersect at a common endpoint, they form an angle. An angle can be measured using a protractor, and the angle of measure 90 degrees is called a right angle.  In a right angle, the two arms are perpendicular to each other. When the right angle is divided into two equal parts each angle measures 45°.

Check out our other Sanity Savers posts here! 

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