Posts Categorized: News & Press

A MILLION Thanks to Our Friends at Delaware North!

In the season of thankfulness, we are so grateful to have recently announced a $1 million capital gift from Delaware North for the Play It Forward campaign! With this gift, Delaware North will sponsor the Being Good Neighbors educational play zone in the new museum at Canalside. We can’t think of a better neighbor than our friends at Delaware North! Read more about A MILLION Thanks to Our Friends at Delaware North! »

Our New Site at Canalside!

It’s a GO! On September 16th, the Board of ECHDC voted to accept the term agreement for Explore & More’s new site in the South Aud Block at Canalside. Over just a few yards from our originally proposed site, this new site sits on both towpaths, and will give the Museum a stand-alone building with more usable space inside and Read more about Our New Site at Canalside! »

Our Move to Canalside

You may have read some stories recently in the news about changes in our move to Canalside. Here’s the update! ECHDC had originally slated the Museum for a parcel in the South Aud Block that was both on the tow path of the canal and abutting Main Street. Last fall, they decided to put that parcel out to bid for Read more about Our Move to Canalside »

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