Every “Body” Can Play: Back to School

By Silvia Steele

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Although back to school ads are everywhere, most kids are not ready to think about school just yet. Parents on the other hand, can definitely use this time to start planning for the transition. Verywellfamily.com has back-to-school tips for parents who have children with disabilities. Below are a few highlights and resources.

  • Connect early with your child’s new teacher and service providers to make sure everyone is on the same page with goals and accommodations for the upcoming year. 
  • Make a “home to school” notebook. This is a great way to communicate with your child’s teacher and service providers to proactively address any issues that may arise. It also helps to build a positive relationship with the teaching team.
  • Share tips or tools that were helpful in the past with the new teaching staff. If a visual schedule, sensory fidget, or scripted story was successful last school year, it may be worth utilizing them in a new classroom. 


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