Will’s Culture Corner: April 2023 Edition

For most Buffalonians April marks the end of winter (although we occasionally get some surprise snow) and brings with it the optimism of spring. Longer days, warmer temperatures and a more hospitable climate draw locals out of their homes and into nature. 

The onset of spring in Western New York is a great time to think about a return to nature and reflect on the environment that we inhabit. As the month of April not only marks the beginning of mild temperatures, but the month when Earth Day is celebrated. This holiday will be observed at Explore & More as we hope to continue educating our guests on our planet. 

Earth Day originated via grassroots organization and campaigning, and this April, Earth Day will continue to be the most widely celebrated secular observance in the world. The celebration was the brainchild of U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, who helped to organize the first-ever Earth Day to raise awareness about water and air pollution. With the help of millions of climate activists Earth Day led directly to the formation of the EPA or the Environmental Protection Agency. Later the Clean Water Act, National Environmental Education Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Endangered Species Act all were passed into law soon after the first Earth Day. Earth Day has inspired later generations and has had a direct impact on the passing of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015 which attempts to combat climate change on a global level. 

Today Earth Day serves as a reminder that we have one planet that we must protect to continue to call it home. Join us at the museum doing projects that are dedicated to mother earth, creating crafts that encourage environmental awareness, and practicing tasks like recycling and reusing. All with the hope to mold a generation of environmentally conscious individuals, that will make Western New York a better place to live.

Upcoming Hours - OPEN: 7/15, 7/17-22 | CLOSED: 7/16, 7/23