Will’s Culture Corner: September Edition

With summer coming to an end, September brings not only fall, but also back to school for many of the children and families that we here at Explore & More serve.  One of the main areas of focus of our Explore & More Education Team, is to assist the transition from summer/remote learning to in-person education.  Our educators have continued to prepare lessons and activities for our visitors to interact with.  These plans continue our emphasis on educating our visitors about the various peoples and cultures, that make up the members of the WNY community. 

Beginning in mid-September our cultural focus will be National Hispanic Heritage Month (which runs two weeks into October).  Visitors can expect to participate in lessons that emphasize Hispanic heritage, from creating colorful luchador masks, to painting portraits like Frida Kahlo did. These lessons will immerse participants in Hispanic culture.  The continued emphasis on exposure to the diverse cultures of our region, will push our next generation of Buffalonians to being the most culturally conscious generation that have ever called our city home.  Ideally creating a more welcoming, diverse, intelligent, and prosperous community!  

Upcoming Hours - OPEN: 7/15, 7/17-22 | CLOSED: 7/16, 7/23