Trucking through the Summer A-Z Storytime: Mr. Jason reads Big Trucks in the Middle of the Street

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Trucking through the Summer A-Z Storytime: Mr. Jason reads Big Trucks in the Middle of the Street by Mark Lee

One ice-cream truck selling everything sweet breaks down and blocks the middle of our street.

If you’re a little boy on a bike, an ice-cream truck on your street is always a welcome sight. But what if the truck breaks down and blocks the mail truck behind it (now there are two), not to mention a third truck carrying hay? One by one, trucks of all types and sizes and functions are sure to pile up behind, offering ample opportunity for ogling — and counting. And maybe the boy’s idea for putting one of the trucks to good use might even save the day!

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Upcoming Hours - OPEN: 9/4-9/7, 9/18-9/22, 9/25-9/29 | CLOSED: 9/8-9/17, 9/23-24, 9/30-10/1