Storytime: Thurman and Patti Thomas read The Lamington Man and If You Give A Dog A Donut

Thurman and Patti Thomas read The Lamington Man by Kel Richards and If You Give A Dog A Donut by Laura Numeroff

The Lamington Man:

This book is a great fit for our cooking galley and Farm to Fork play kitchen! At the Museum we often use stories to influence the cooking lessons we present in our educational studio.

Did this story remind you of any other books you have read? Perhaps the Gingerbread Man! Can you read both stories and compare how they are the same? How are they different?

Have you ever heard of Lamington? It is a delicious sponge cake coated in chocolate and coconut. This cake is one of the most iconic desserts in all of Australia. With your grown-up, look up a recipe for Lamington cake online. Maybe you can try to make it together in the future!

If You Give a Dog a Donut:

This is a circular story written by the same author as If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. One of the featured elements of this story is apples! Did you know that apples are the official state fruit of New York and they are prominently featured in the Farm to Fork play zone at the Museum. In our story today the main character creates a circular pattern, beginning and ending with giving a dog a donut. Can you work on creating a pattern at home? Maybe you can use colored objects found in your hours or fruits in your fridge. The possibilities are endless!

Do you think dogs really eat donuts? Probably not! But some dogs like healthy snacks just like you and me. Did you know that lots of dogs eat veggies as treats? Like carrots, lettuce and broccoli. Can you think of some healthy treats you like to eat?

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