Let’s Keep the Conversation Going (& Growing)

You’ve heard the rumors on the playground – Explore & More Children’s Museum is growing! We are underway with our biggest change yet as we get ready to open a new place of play at the heart of Buffalo’s Canalside.

As we change, grow and go to new heights of playing and learning, it’s important that we hear from you, too. As parents, caregivers, guardians and fellow explorers, you know how special your little ones are and the unique ways that they interact, learn and more. That’s why we want to keep the conversations going. Explore & More is proud to be hosting two separate focus group sessions that get down to what truly matters: our community of little explorers.

Our ‘How We Play’ group will help us determine the best exhibits and spots in our Museum. Combining your experiences in our current exhibits with an introduction to each new one we have in the works, you can help us determine all the things that you love – and could love more – for the fun that’s still to come.

Our second group, ‘How They Learn,’ allows us to ask the questions of how your own child likes to play and how you, as the caregiver, can sense their learning frameworks. We’re all in this together, and the more voices are heard, the better we can help support and teach developing little minds.

We invite you to join in on either conversation – or both! To sign up, email [email protected] with the specific group or groups you’d like to attend for more information and times.

Upcoming Hours - OPEN: 7/15, 7/17-22 | CLOSED: 7/16, 7/23