By Will Kawalec, Cultural Program Educator

As with last years May Newsletter, I am again using the platform to remember the tragedy of the Tops shooting that occurred two years ago this May 14th. This dark day in our city’s history directly targeted Black members of our Buffalo community and brought sadness to not only Buffalonians but people across the globe.
The purpose of this brief newsletter entry is not to reignite the sadness of that day one year ago, but to offer a charge to our Explore & More community members. To honor the lives of those who were taken far too early, spend this month making positive change in the WNY community. Do something kind to someone else, (drop in to see an elderly neighbor). Bring joy into someone’s life (call an old friend) or make a conscious effort to be a role model to others (volunteer for a community cleanup). Most of this newsletter’s readers are parents or guardians of children, and if we instill a sense of community in our youth the future generations will be in a better place. This is the objective of education in general, and a goal for Explore & More as an institution. While performing any of these simple tasks, dedicate your time and effort to all the lives impacted by the tragedy that destroyed so much.
We cannot change the past nor bring back those taken from us, but we can continue to act as a catalyst for good. Use this as a charge to make a small positive impact, and as a community we will continue to heal, evolve, and rebuild. I have attached some moving pieces of writing that work to encapsulate the May 14th tragedy and give more time and space to reflect on that day.
• Buffalo shooting: Remembering the 10 lives taken a year ago in Tops massacre
• Before and After Again