Posts Categorized: Education Newsletters

Every “Body” Can Play: Teaching Children about Friendship

Play dates, birthday parties and laughter-there is no better feeling than knowing your child has friends. Making friends isn’t always easy though. It can be especially difficult for children who may be shy or have difficulty with communication or social skills. Parents are often at a loss to know what to do.

Will’s Culture Corner: February 2023 Edition

As the month of February kicks off hopefully everyone’s new year resolutions are still going strong. If anyone had the goal to become more culturally proficient, the month of February is a great time to do so. February is Black History Month and this month’s ‘Culture Corner’ will dive into its background and explain the history behind the founding of one of the most important culturally relevant celebrations.

Did You Know? Celebrating African American History Month

It’s only early January and we’ve already had a lot of snow here in WNY haven’t we? That means many kids have suited up in their snow pants, boots and jackets to head outside for some winter play!

Did you know that snow play is not just a fun way to beat the winter blues, but it’s also a great way to practice gross motor skill development? Get your little ones moving by trying these different snow play activities.

Explore Even More: Sensory Bins

Sensory bins are a great way to play with your child! Why are sensory bins so wonderful? They help develop fine motor skill improvement, social skills, emotional skills and cognitive development!

A Letter from Lisa: February 2023 Edition

How many things do you read in one day? It goes without saying that smartphones have given us access to a wealth of information at our fingertips. You have most likely read a news article on social media within the last day or so. But when did you last read a book… for fun?

Field trips are back! Please be aware that it will be busier than usual.